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Welcome to the Trenitalia S.p.A. Procurement Portal

Trenitalia uses a Supplier Procurement Portal for online management of supplier relations for the supply of goods and services and the execution of works, in compliance with the laws in force relating to public procurement contracts.
The use of e-procurement systems is recognised by the current laws regarding public procurement contracts because they guarantee respect of the principles of transparency, timeliness, and fair, free competition in the choice of the contractor, and enable an improvement in the effectiveness and efficiency of the procurement processes.
The Trenitalia S.p.A. Procurement Portal is based on a platform that assures the highest technological levels to guarantee the security, and confidentiality of data and transactions and permits:

  • electronic management of supplier relations;
  • participation of suppliers in electronic contracts tendered by Trenitalia.

To access the restricted area, it is necessary to download the "Modulo di Adesione al Portale Acquisti Trenitalia" ("Trenitalia Procurement Portal Form"). This file must bear a digital signature of the undertaking's legal representative and be uploaded to the portal.


Suppliers must also fill in the online registration form, by clicking on "New Supplier Registration".
For more information, see the section "Instructions".

Access to the Restricted Area